Purpose: to inform everyone who works alongside sole-trader Kernowpods of their responsibilities when working with members of the public.
Applies to: everyone who works with me as a sole trader on KernowPods projects.
This policy and procedures are based on the following principles:
- The welfare of the public is of primary concern, particularly children and those who are in a vulnerable situation.
- All people, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, socio-economic status, religious belief and/or sexual identity have the right to safeguarding from abuse.
- It is everyone’s responsibility to report any concerns about abuse to the Designated Safeguarding Officer, and the responsibility of the Social Services Department and the Police to conduct where appropriate a joint investigation.
- All incidents of alleged poor practice, misconduct and abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
- All personal data will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998.
Definition of Abuse
Abuse is any behaviour towards a person that deliberately or unknowingly causes them harm, endangers life or violates their rights. Abuse may be:
- Physical
- Sexual
- Psychological – repeatedly being made to feel unhappy, humiliated, afraid or devalued by others
- Financial or material – stealing or denying access to money or possessions
- Neglect
- Discriminatory – abuse motivated by discriminatory attitudes towards race, religion, gender, disability or cultural background
All people who KernowPods works with are required to take shared responsibility for the safety of any members of the public they come into contact with.
They must be aware of and abide by the Code of Good Practice (Appendix 1).
The managerial responsibility for any programme or activity rests with the individual who is directing or organising the activity. This person is expected to:
- Ensure that the activity is planned, organised and delivered in accordance with the national government guidelines on Regulated Activity. A list of Regulated Activity for adults is available at www.dh.gov.uk/health/files/2012/12/Regulated-Activity-Adults-Dec-2012.pdf and further general information about the Disclosure and Barring Service is available at www.homeoffice.gov.uk/agencies-public-bodies/dbs. A useful leaflet that includes a list of Regulated Activity for children is available at www.homeoffice.gov.uk/publications/crime/disclosure-and-barring/leaflet-england-wales?view=Binary
- Ensure that everyone involved in the event knows who is responsible for safeguarding and how to report any concerns.
- Arrange appropriate checking, training, induction and guidance for all staff and volunteers.
- Inform the Designated Safeguarding Officer and complete the appropriate documentation.
- Complete a health and safety risk assessment.
Appendix 1
Code of good practice for staff and volunteers
The following guidelines are intended to be a common sense approach that both reduces opportunities for abuse and helps to protect staff and volunteers from any false allegation.
You should:
- Treat all people with respect, and respect their right to personal privacy.
- Ensure that, whenever possible, there is more than one adult present during activities with children aged under 18 or that you are within sight or hearing of others.
- Exercise caution when discussing sensitive issues.
- Exercise caution in initiating any physical contact.
- Operate within the guidance offered by this Code.
- Challenge all unacceptable behaviour and report all allegations or suspicions of abuse.
- Keep parents, guardians and carers fully informed of all anticipated activities where relevant.
You should NOT:
- Spend excessive time alone with children under the age of 18 away from others.
- Engage in physical or sexually provocative games including horseplay.
- Allow or engage in inappropriate touching of any form.
- Make over-familiar or sexually suggestive comments or approaches even as a joke.
- Let allegations, over-familiar or sexually suggestive comments or approaches go unchallenged or unrecorded.
- Do things of a personal nature that a person is able to do for themselves.
- Take photographs, videos or other images of people without the express permission of the person in question or their parent, guardian or carer where relevant.