Kurunys yw Kernow avel ‘an gwella ranndir yn Ruwvaneth Unys’ orth Piwasow Viajya Breten Veurek. Res veu dhe Gernow rag an nessa bledhen yn unn rew. An Ducheth a waynyas an brassa raglev y’n gamporieth ha gul dhe Dhewnans ha Cumbria kemerys nessa ha tressa le. Dres henna, Porthia a waynyas an piwas rag ‘An gwella tre ryb an mor’ ha’n Edenva a gavas an piwas arhans rag ‘An gwella dydh-mes y’n RU’.

Moy es dew kans hag ugens mil person a raglevas hevlyna rag henwel aga gwella tylleryow y’n ‘Oscars’ tornyaseth. Pennlywydh VisitCornwall, Malcolm Bell, a leveris: “Prout dres ehen ov ha my ow tegemeres an piwasow ma abarth Kernow ha Porthia. Gwaynya orth nivel konteth ha tre yw sewen meur.”


Crowned is Cornwall as ‘The best region in Kingdom United’ at Awards Travel Britain Great. Given it was to Cornwall for the second year in a row. The Duchy won the largest vote in the competition and make to Devon and Cumbria take second and third place. Through that, St Ives won the award for ‘The best town next the sea’ and the Eden-place won the award silver for ‘The best day-out in the UK’.

More than two hundred and twenty thousand person voted this year for naming their best places in the ‘Oscars’ Tourism. Head of VisitCornwall, Malcolm Bell, said: “Proud through type I am and me a-receiving the awards these on behalf of Cornwall and St Ives. Winning at level county and town is a success great.”


First thing to say his is – well done Cornwall, St Ives and Eden. Now on to the notes on the text: We have ‘nessa’ and ‘tressa’ in this article. These mean ‘second’ and ‘third’. Perhaps it is time to make sure we can all count to ten in Cornish using both cardinal and ordinal numbers.

1. onan 2. dew 3. tri 4. peswar 5. pymp 6. hwegh 7. seyth 8. eth 9. naw 10. deg

1st kynsa 2nd nessa 3rd tressa 4th peswara 5th pympes 6th hweghes 7th seythves 8th ethves 9th nawves 10th degves

Be aware there are feminine versions of 1,2,3 & 4 – more on that some other time.

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