Kernowpods Training Terms and Conditions
1. The Law
These terms and conditions and all other expressed terms of the contract shall be governed and constructed in accordance with the laws of England.
2. Confirmation of Bookings
An email must be sent to or a letter sent to 29, Vyvyan’s Court, Camborne, TR14 8PF from an official business address in order to reserve a date.
3. Payments
Payment must be made upon receipt of invoice. If a booking is made more than 30 days prior to a course date, payment can be delayed until no later than 21 days prior to a course, if agreed at the time of booking: this will then be recorded on the invoice. Credit terms are at Kernowpod’s discretion at all times and are subject to satisfactory references and trading volumes. Kernowpods understands and will exercise our statutory right to claim interest and compensation for debt recovery costs if we are not paid according to agreed credit terms. Kernowpods reserves the right to cancel training courses or places on them if payment terms are not observed. Payments can be made by cheque, BACS or credit card. Information will be given of these on each invoice.
4. Cancellations, Re-scheduling and Transfers
Cancellations, re-scheduling or transfers will be permitted only if the invoice for the training has been paid in full.
Requests for cancellation, re-scheduling or transfer must be received in writing. The date on which the letter or email is received by Kernowpods will be deemed as the date on which the request has been made. Agreement on dates for re-scheduling or transfer shall be subject to the availability of places, rooms and/or trainers. If a re-scheduled or transferred booking cannot subsequently be attended by the client, the booking shall be cancelled without refund.
4.1 Cancellations
If notified 21 or more days prior to the training date, no cancellation charge will apply.
If notified fewer than 21 days prior to the training date, a cancellation charge of 100% will apply.
4.2. Private (bespoke) Classes or In-House Training
4.2.1. Cancellations
If notified 21 or fewer days prior to the training date, a cancellation charge of 100% will apply.
If notified more than 21 days prior to the training date, a cancellation charge of 25% will apply.
4.2.2. Re-scheduling
Agreement of new dates must be confirmed by the client in writing, and the date on which the letter or email is received by Kernowpods will be deemed as the date on which the agreement has been made. If notification is received, and new dates agreed, more than 21 days prior to the original training date, the client can re-schedule the date without charge.
If notification is received, and new dates agreed, between 10 and 21 days prior to the original training date, the client can re-schedule the date for a re-booking charge of 50%.If notification is not received, or new dates have not been agreed, less than 10 days prior to the original training date, a cancellation charge of 100% will apply. If notification has been received, but new dates have not been agreed by the original training date, the course will be deemed to have been cancelled and a 100% cancellation fee shall apply. If a client cannot provide delegates for the re-scheduled date, a cancellation charge of 100% will apply.
4.2.3. Delegate Numbers
The number of delegates attending will be agreed in writing on booking the course. Voice workshops and media training sessions are best suited to a maximum of 15 delegates.
5. Training Programmes
Where a number of training courses have been arranged as part of a training programme, the deadline for cancellation, re-scheduling or transfer of any course within the programme shall relate to the first course date, and not to the date of the individual course within the programme.
6. Liability
Except in respect of death or personal injury caused by Kernowpods’ negligence, or as expressly provided in these Conditions, Kernowpods shall not be liable to the client by reason of any representation (unless fraudulent), or any implied warranty, condition or other term, or any duty at common law, or under the express terms of the contract for any loss of profit or any indirect, special or consequential loss, damage, costs, expenses or other claims (whether caused by the negligence of Kernowpods, its servants or agents or otherwise) which arise out of or in connection with the provision of the training course and the entire liability of Kernowpods under or in connection with the contract shall not exceed the amount of Kernowpods’ charges for the provision of the training course except as expressly provided in these conditions. Kernowpods shall not be liable to the client or be deemed in breach of contract by reason of any delay or failure to perform any of Activia’s obligations in relation to the training course if this was due to any cause beyond Activia’s reasonable control.
7. Severability
If a provision of these Terms and Conditions is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable, that shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of these Terms and Conditions. This shall not apply if the deletion of such provision would result in such a material change so as to cause completion of the intended transactions to be unreasonable.
8. General Information
Address for all correspondence:
Matthew Clarke
t/a Kernowpods
29, Pendarves House,
Vyvyan’s Court,
TR14 8PF
Kernowpods is not registered for VAT so all prices quoted are totals.
9. Duration
These terms and conditions are subject to change without notice, but any changes shall not be retrospectively applied.