Key Feedback from event


  • Culture and the story behind the product is incredibly important.
  • Cornish language: we like to intersperse words and understand the heritage importance however there is fine line between inclusion and exclusion where a language is concerned and we will be careful with that moving forward.
  • Story telling is not just of the past but conveying a story of an area. It develops context and pride.
  • Cornish Language presents a strong opportunity to add value to culture.
  • The Cornish language is a tool not a solution
  • The Cornish language helps convey a sense of place and history and suggest a story. However it isn’t just applicable to everything and has to be used as a marketing  tool in conjunction with a clear connection to the business ethos.
  • I don’t think the Cornish language is relevant to a contemporary ground breaking business or a contemporary art gallery. Because it creates an idea of the past and history not of the modern.
  • It is vitally important that we speak to people as if they are here and we do not for example speak of Cornwall as “down here” we try to immerse our customer in Cornwall as if they could be stood in say Padstow or St Ives.
  • There needs to be an increased opportunity for SMEs to take on board an enhanced understanding of cultural heritage by increasing the possibilities for cultural and new / existing businesses to collaborate more effectively.
  • Brand message around authenticity needs to be particularly strong.
  • We were pleased to have the opportunity to meet and talk to Mr Malcolm Bell and Councillor German, with whom these matters will be pursued separately.
  • For Cornwall to survive it has to become a ‘knowledge based economy’ outside of the cultural aspects we were also debating of the evening.
  • We must use our ability now having full broadband to attract good ‘high end technical’ work. That needs to be the top priority of all. Our cultural heritage of course is important which we all treasure but it doesn’t pay the bills.
  • It is important to celebrate the innovative and contemporary as well as the past to break down the idea that “Cornwall is behind the times.”
  • What I will take from the seminar is the fact that using “Cornwall” in your advertising is an important marketing tool.